Summer Lawn Care Tip | Frank's Lawn & Tree Service
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5 End of Summer Lawn Care Tips Only Professionals Use

Summer Lawn Care Tip

5 End of Summer Lawn Care Tips Only Professionals Use

A Late Summer Lawn Care Guide from the Pros!

If it’s one thing that all Floridians understand, it’s the summer heat. For homeowners, spring lawn care often reflects ensuring a lawn is healthy and green. Consequently, spring turns to summer, and the temperature rises, summer lawn care focuses more on keeping this greenery healthy.

The summer is also a time for barbecues, outside games with the family, as well as parties and numerous other events that result in guests and visitors tromping all over the manicured grass. For this reason, our team from Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service wants to share a summer lawn care tip or two to keep your lawn in tip-top shape!

Water Smart

We all know that our grass requires more water during the summer months. However, what isn’t exactly common knowledge is that you must understand how deep this water penetrates as well.

In the summertime, watering deeply helps grass develop drought-tolerant roots. While we do see our fair share of rain throughout the summer season, this summer lawn care tip still protects the lawn in case weather changes in the future negatively impact landscape health.

Water at the Right Time

The best time to water grass during the summer is in the morning. Those that choose to water their lawns during midday may experience evaporating water that never satiates thirsty grass. Additionally, nighttime watering can lead to stagnant water sitting on the surface that may result in numerous different issues.

Keep the Grass Growth High

Mowing isn’t all the fun. Yeah, you can throw on a set of headphones to complement the chore, but the summer makes an afternoon of yard work much more difficult. This is why numerous homeowners choose summer to cut their grass as short as possible. After all, this seemingly minimizes the number of times you need to go outdoors for a summertime mowing.

The truth is, you should mow as high and as often as possible during the hot months. This helps the grass establish deep roots, enabling them to absorb water underground. This summer lawn care tip also offers valuable, albeit minimal shade coverage for the soil beneath.

Weed Control, It’s Always Important

Summer is the ideal time to manage growing weeds. This is because they tend to bloom and disperse seeds for the following year near summer’s end. Nevertheless, it remains essential to take caution in weeding during the summer as any product can potentially damage grass that is already facing stressful conditions.

Taking care of weeds early on can help prevent insect infestations and diseases. Grubs hatch over summer, and the moist air is prime for fungal infestations. As a bonus summer lawn care tip, avoid evening watering to ensure night moisture is at a minimum.

Aerate Your Yard

The summer sun compacts the soil in your yard. Unfortunately, this also means that the grass will face challenges obtaining water, air, and nutrients. Aerating the lawn is the best way to loosen this soil, enabling crucial components to reach the roots of the grass.

Help with Summer Lawn Care from Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service

Summer Lawn Care TipLawn care is critical during any time of the year. However, it is also a very time-consuming task. Floridians understand how vital lawn care can be during the hottest months of the year in the summer season.

If you need a little bit of extra help, simply contact Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service. We understand how important homeowners in South Florida feel about their beautiful lawns and wield the knowledge and experience to guarantee they look their best all year long.