Front Yard Landscaping | Yard Maintenance Miami
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Lawn Maintenance

Front Yard Landscaping

Lawn Care & Shrub Control

Many homeowners often overlook professional tree and shrub care. However, you can enhance the overall health and appearance of your property while you increase its value by committing to a lawn care maintenance, and shrub control regimen.


The team at Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service firmly believes that a green lawn is a greater asset than simply an aesthetically pleasing expansion of healthy grass. Maintaining your yard should additionally incorporate a commitment to preserving local lakes and rivers. This will allow future generations to enjoy and appreciate the natural beauty Florida offers.


The team from Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service understand that no two landscapes are the same. Where a particular method may work optimally for one property, this solution may not ideally serve another.


A healthy lawn is important. This is not only true for your home’s aesthetics, but also as a benefit to our environment. Grass provides an extensive root system that filters rainwater before it reaches the aquifer. We ensure that any solution we implement remains sustainable, as well as environmentally sound. This keeps the environment lively and vibrant for generations to come.


Best Lawn Treatment

We offer many types of lawn maintenance services, including:



Ensure your lawn stays up to date by contacting one of our professional representatives from Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service today. Call our team at (305) 233-9369 to schedule an appointment.