pest infestation Archives - Frank's Lawn & Tree Service
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pest infestation

The aesthetic value and overall appeal of landscaping and gardening are always important. One aspect that can easily take away from the charm of your landscape is stubborn, unsightly tree stumps. If you’ve recently had a tree cut or an old stump is blocking your landscape improvement plans, stump grinding can be an invaluable solution.

A Journal of Environmental Management study states that targeted stump grinding can promote select vegetation growth. Before diving into the benefits, it’s wise to understand what the stump grinding process entails. Stump grinding involves using a machine known as a stump grinder, which grinds the tree stump into tiny chips. These chips can then be used to fill in the hole where the stump once was or can be used as mulch.

Due to the potential for injury and the need for specialized equipment, it’s often best to leave this task to professionals. Also, the effectiveness and speed of the grinding depend heavily on the type of tree and the age of the stump. (more…)