Landscape Debris Archives - Frank's Lawn & Tree Service
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Landscape Debris

The presence of trees in our surroundings adds an irreplaceable charm. They provide shade during sunny days and contribute to the aesthetics of your premises. However, trees require deliberate care, which sometimes involves making tricky decisions about their health.

One such dilemma is choosing between trimming the tree and full tree removal. Knowing when to opt for each can be crucial for maintaining the tree’s health, the appeal of your property, and overall safety. While tree trimming and removal may sound like polar opposite activities, understanding their mutual importance is the key to effective tree care and landscaping.

  • Aesthetic Balance: Regular trimming maintains trees’ aesthetic appeal, whereas removing dead or unwanted trees can enhance the overall visual balance of your property.
  • Preserving Health: Through proper trimming, you can preserve the tree’s health, preventing future instances of removal.
  • Safety: Balancing between trimming and removal helps eliminate potential hazards, ensuring your property’s and its occupants’ safety.


Miami’s rich vegetation, sun-soaked shores, and vibrant culture are a testament to something essential. Maintaining a verdant, hardy lawn in the “Magic City” takes a little more than magic. It requires dedicated effort, an understanding of local conditions, and some smart interventions.

A study conducted by the University of Florida reveals that understanding the local environment and choosing the right grass type is crucial for maintaining a lush, healthy lawn in Miami. Here, we’ll share some essential Miami lawn care tips and tricks to transform your lawn from ordinary to Ocean Drive-worthy.


How Your Business Can Benefit from Commercial Landscaping and Start the New Year Right

For virtually every business owner, making a good impression on customers and clients is vital to success. That first impression usually happens as the customer enters your business.


New Year’s Resolutions for Your Lawn Maintenance Regimen

A New Year’s resolution is essentially a promise made with the best intentions to do better in the new year. Unfortunately, despite the focus on doing good, performing better, etc., so many make these promises, often breaking them a short time later.


Preparing for a Hurricane

When living in Florida, making sure your property is prepared for hurricane season is a necessity. Planning ahead of time can protect your home from flying debris and flooding, which will save you money and time after the storm is over. If you’re Preparing for a Hurricane, our team at Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service wants to help!


Landscape Debris Removal

The lawn is the face of your home, so it’s important to keep it looking healthy and well maintained. The state of your lawn gives off an impression to guests, which can impact how they interact with you. At Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service, our Landscape Debris Removal team will do all of the hard work for you!


Landscaping Plants

Having a front lawn that is pleasing to look at and catches the attention of those who pass by is a great sign of pride. A well-kept and thriving lawn can add value to your property and help you stand out from the rest. It may seem like a lot of work to get your lawn to where you want it to be, especially if you don’t know where to start. However, at Frank’s Lawn and Tree Service, we can make Landscaping Plants a breeze and make your property look better than ever before. (more…)