Tree Trimming in Pinecrest | Lawn Care Company Miami
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Top Tree Maintenance for Healthy, Radiant Trees

Commercial Tree Trimming in Miami

Tree Trimming in Pinecrest

Plants, trees, and shrubs are constantly growing and require regular maintenance in order to preserve an appealing landscape. The best way to ensure your trees remain healthy, full, and radiant is by having frequent trimming done. Our expert arborists at Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service specialize in Cutting Trees that can remove unwanted branches and leaves from making your greenery seem unruly and out of control.

As part of the trimming process, our certified arborists perform what is known as pruning. This involves the methodical removal of certain parts of a plant, such as branches, roots, deadwood, and buds. Targeting the wrong branch union while cutting trees can compromise the overall appearance and stability of a tree. It is for that reason that it is highly recommended that you have an experienced arborist perform the pruning. You can trust our team at Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service to do the job quickly and effectively.


Best Tree Pruners

Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service also offers services in hedge trimming. Hedges are a great addition to any business or estate. It provides a natural structure and creates an effortless atmosphere of beauty and uniformity. In order to maintain that structure, however, it is crucial to have your hedges trimmed often. Our arborists will have your hedges in top-condition with just one call.

Don’t allow your land to overgrow and lose its appeal. Contact our professionals at Frank’s Lawn & Tree Service for Tree Trimming in Pinecrest at (305) 233-9369 today!